David MacDonald, DO

Dr. David MacDonald is the President of Liberty Health Group.  He serves as Medical Director of Augusta Correctional Center for Men, Augusta, VA, and is in private practice in Charlottesville, VA.  His previous experiences as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army, Residency Director, Ethics Chairman, and health care benefits consultant have provided a broad experience to the health care delivery system.

He testified before a Congressional Health Care subcommittee and addressed leaders throughout the country regarding ways to control Medicaid costs.  He has appeared on numerous TV segments and radio interviews, hosted town hall meetings throughout the country, and invited to address the Korean Medical Association in Seoul, Korea.  He has a book in final edits regarding hospital costs and the uninsured.

His approach to health care addresses each person as a unique creation.  His goal is to help them achieve proper alignment of their body, soul, and spirit – this is wholeness.